If Beakon is in a good spot, place a new one as soon as it is used.Ink the area around the Beakon so an arriving ally can hide immediately after landing.Put Beakons in places where they are less vulnerable to enemies, such as up high or behind obstacles.Once deployed, the Squid Beakon's appearance is unchanged other than it spinning around. The entire satellite changes color to match the user's ink. The tube makes a U-turn around its middle to face the backing. In front of the backing is a tube with a cameralike apparatus inside of the end. The satellite has a metal backing with two red lights on top, and in Splatoon 2, one of the lights will stop blinking if someone who does not have Squid Beakons as their sub weapon Super Jumps to it. The base is simply a black tripod pole, while the satellite is more complex.

The Squid Beakon consists of a satellite sitting on top of a base.